Chinese Children Song
Song Title: 頭兒肩膀膝腳趾 ( 头儿肩膀膝脚趾, Tóur Jiānbǎng Xī Jiǎozhǐ , Head Shoulders Knees and Toes )
Video: A demo by a cat named “Xiao Yu”. I have to laugh every time I watch it:
歌詞, 繁體 中文, 簡體 中文, 拼音 和 英文 翻譯:
歌词, 繁体 中文, 简体 中文, 拼音 和 英文 翻译:
Gēcí, fántǐ zhōngwén,jiǎntǐ zhōngwén, pīnyīn hé yīngwén fānyì:
Lyrics in traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese, pinyin and English translations:
(The translations are done by the Chinese character order so the grammar may not be proper. If you have any question about the lyrics, please leave a reply/comment below this post, I will answer you as soon as I can.):
頭兒 肩膀 膝 腳趾
头儿 肩膀 膝 脚趾
Tóur jiānbǎng xī jiǎozhǐ
Head shoulders knees toes
膝 腳趾, 膝 腳趾
膝 脚趾, 膝 脚趾
Xī jiǎozhǐ, xī jiǎozhǐ
Knees toes, knees toes
頭兒 肩膀 膝 腳趾
头儿 肩膀 膝 脚趾
Tóur jiānbǎng xī jiǎozhǐ
Head shoulders knees toes
眼 耳 鼻 和 口
眼 耳 鼻 和 口
Yǎn ěr bí hé kǒu
Eyes ears nose and mouth
Repeat 1 time.
Practice writing: CLICK HERE and hit the brushes next to each character to see the stroke orders. Grab a piece of paper and write them down.
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沒想到可以變成教材呢 :p
早知道要"上台表演",就應該盛裝打扮一下 >///<
但是一邊讀文章,我又多學了一些英文 :D
我會當忠實讀者的,請努力發文唷 ^Q^
Excellent one, you are a great teacher. Thanks for sharing,
Wow...thank you, Pea and James. Your feedback is what keeps me going.
Pea 你唱的發音及旋律都很清楚加上小芋的趣味表演是一級棒的教材...呵呵
Good offer.
Good Luck!
Thank you, Oleg!
thank you so much,this will come very hand it.you are very sweet putting all this kids that the way to do it.
grasias de nuevo.
Dear Josue, so glad to see you here. You are more than welcome! Let me know if you have any questions by leaving comments in any of my post. I will be very happy to help your learning.
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