Song title: 小小的太陽
(小小的太阳, Xiǎoxiǎo De Tàiyáng, Little Sun)
It was the worst time in my life and I heard this song. All I could do was crying. I still have a little itty-bitty heart breaking feeling every time when I hear this song since then.
Singer: 張宇 (张宇, Zhāng Yǔ, Phil Chang.) was born in 1967 in Taiwan, a popular singer, pianist and guitar-player. He's also an actor and hosting a TV show.
This song is in his 1999 album Sun and Moon, one of his big hits. View his photos here.
I could not find the original video on YouTube anymore. Watch it here: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjczMzExMzg0.html
There are 2 songs in this video. Little Sun is the first one.
歌詞 簡體 中文, 拼音 和 英文 翻譯:
Gēcí jiǎntǐ zhōngwén, pīnyīn hé yīngwén fānyì:
Lyrics in simplified characters, pinyin and English translations:
我 在 大雨 刚 停 的 夜晚, 一个人 游荡.
Wǒ zài dàyǔ gāng tíng de yèwǎn, yīgèrén yóudàng.
I at big rain just stopped night, one person loiter.
(I'm loitering alone at night, the big rain just stopped.)
经过 一 个 又 一 个 橱窗, 只 想 等 天亮.
Jīngguò yī gè yòu yī gè chúchuāng, zhī xiǎng děng tiānliàng
Passing one and one display windows, only want to wait dawn.
(Passing one after another display windows, only to wait for the dawn.)
面对 就要 失去 的 爱情, 有 一点 释怀, 有 一点 彷徨.
Miànduì jiùyào shīqù de àiqíng, yǒu yīdiǎn shìhuái, yǒu yīdiǎn pánghuáng.
Facing about to lose of love, have a bit relief, have a bit wander.
(Facing the love I'm about to lose, I have some relief and some wander.)
最 怕 的 其实 是 孤单.
Zuìpà de qíshí shì gūdān.
The most afraid of actually is loneliness.
(The most thing I'm afraid of is actually loneliness.)
你 像 一 个 小小 的 太阳, 有 一种 温暖.
Nǐ xiàng yī gè xiǎoxiǎo de tàiyáng, yǒu yīzhǒng wēnnuǎn.
You like a little sun, have a kind of warmth.
(You are like a little sun, have a kind of warmth.)
总是 让 我 将要 冰冷 的 心, 有 地方 取暖.
Zǒngshì ràng wǒ jiāngyào bīnglěng de xīn, yǒu dìfāng qǔnuǎn.
Always let my about to ice-cold heart, have place to get warm.
(Always let my heart have a place to get warm when my heart is about to get ice-cold.)
我 是 多么 习惯 的 向 你 要 一点 友善 和 许多 依赖,
Wǒ shì duōme xíguàn de xiàng nǐ yào yīdiǎn yǒushàn hé xǔduō yīlài,
I am so accustomed from you ask a little friendly and a lot of dependencies
(I am so accustomed to ask you for a little friendly and a lot of dependencies )
修补 我 脆弱 的 情感.
Xiūbǔ wǒ cuìruò de qínggǎn.
To repair I fragile emotion.
(To repair my fragile emotion.)
你 总是 微笑 如 花, 总是 看 我 沈醉 和 绝望.
Nǐ zǒngshì wéixiào rú huā, zǒngshì kàn wǒ chénzuì hé juéwàng.
You always smile like flower, always watch me intoxicated and hopeless.
(You always smile like a flower, always watch me being intoxicated and hopeless.)
我 却 迟迟 都 没 发现, 真爱 原来 在 身 旁.
Wǒ què chíchí dōu méi fāxiàn, zhēnài yuánlái zài shēn páng.
I yet late even not discover, true love actually at body side.
(I had never discovered that the true love is actually at my side.)
你 应该 被 呵护, 被 珍惜, 被 认真, 被 深爱,
Nǐ yīnggāi bèi hēhù, bèi zhēnxí, bèi rènzhēn, bèi shēnài,
You should be taken good care of, be cherished, be seriously taken, be deeply loved,
被 捧 在 手掌 心 上.
Bèi pěng zài shǒuzhǎng xīn shàng.
Be hold in palm heart up.
(Be hold up in the center of the palm.)
像 一 艘 从来 都 不曾 靠 岸 的 船, 终於 有了 你的 港湾.
Xiàng yī sōu cónglái dōu bùcéng kào àn de chuán, zhōngyú yǒule nǐde gǎngwān.
Like an at all times even never pull in to shore of boat, finally have your harbor.
(Like a boat that never pull in to shore at all times, finally have your own harbor.)
你 应该 更 自私, 更 贪心, 更 坚持, 更 明白,
Nǐ yīnggāi gèng zìsī, gèng tānxīn, gèng jiānchí, gèng míngbái,
You should more selfish, more greedy, more insistent, more clear,
(You should be more selfish, more greedy, more insistent, more clear,)
将 我的 心 全部 霸占.
Jiāng wǒde xīn quánbù bàzhàn.
Take my heart completely usurp.
(Usurp my entire heart.)
[你 给 我 从来 不 奢望 回报 的 爱, 让 我 好好 的 对待.]
[Nǐ gěi wǒ cónglái bù shēwàng huíbào de ài, ràng wǒ hǎohǎo de duìdài.]
[You give me at all times not expect return of love, let me nicely treat.]
(You give me the love that never expect returns, let me treat you nicely.)
Repeat 2, 3, [ ], 3, [ ].
Wow...this song is quite difficult to translate. I hope you like it.
Here's another video of the song sung by an unknown singer. I just think the creatures in the videos are amazing!
Practice writing: CLICK HERE and hit the brushes next to each character to see the stroke orders. Grab a piece of paper and write them down.

You mean itty-bitty?
Very nice song, love it.
My guess is it sounds quite close to this song "Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini" and I googled, the other word is "itty-bitty" which I hope that's the word you are looking for? Heard of Zhang Yu's songs before, just don't know his name but can recognize his face haha. You've got a great "small small sun" song here. Hope you have picked up your bits & pieces of your heart and feeling OK now. Xiexie.
Thank you CheaHS@n & Bananaz! Yes, "itty-bitty", appreciate it!
I'm feeling great now. Thanks for your warm comments!
Talked of the devil, Zhang Yu is performing in Genting Highland very soon with two other singers. Sorry did not catch their names over the air but the DJ played his song which I love very much. The singer is kinda plum and name of the song is "pa bēishāng liú gěi zìjǐ". Wonder you can help me find this song in YouTube? Xiexie
Where is Genting Highland? The singer is kinda "plum"?
I think you mean 把(ba3)悲傷留給自己 by 陳昇?
The 3 men maybe 陳昇 張宇 黃品源?
I like 陳昇 & 黃品源, too.
Jeannie Xiexie yeah got it spot on. I love Wu Bai as well he's cool. Genting Highland is the casino resort high up on the 'clouds' in Malaysia. Hit the jump.
3 Good Men
Jeannie, AHA now I know Huang Pin Yuan 黄品源, famous for his "Xiao Wei" also another lovely song. Xiexie.
He has such a nice mellow voice. I always enjoy reading the lyrics but, especially lyrics to the love songs you post.
Malaysia! I wish they'll come here in the States. Are you in Malaysia?
Wow...you know a lot! Yea, 黄品源 and 伍百 are on my list.
I'm glad that you like the love songs I post and I appreciate it!
WuBai伍百 is in your list! Cool! Gimme *5*. One of my fave song..Check it out.
Thanks for the link, Bananaz. I like that song too!
I like this song too! But you are right, the lyrics so difficult to translate! I think I'll need to spend some time learning the lyrics! : )
Yes, foongpc. Some songs need quite some time to understand. But the lovely part of songs is to listen to as many times as you can, enjoy the melody then sing along. Once you get familiar with the lyrics, it will be easier to try to understand the meaning.
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